Advanced Placement -
Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Advanced Placement Drawing
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Advanced Placement Government and Politics
Advanced Placement Human Geography
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
Advanced Placement Psychology
Advanced Placement Research
Advanced Placement Seminar
Advanced Placement United States History
Advanced Placement World History
AP Japanese
AP Spanish Language
- Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
- Advanced Placement Calculus AB
- Advanced Placement Drawing
- Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
- Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
- Advanced Placement Environmental Science
- Advanced Placement Government and Politics
- Advanced Placement Human Geography
- Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
- Advanced Placement Psychology
- Advanced Placement Research
- Advanced Placement Seminar
- Advanced Placement United States History
- Advanced Placement World History
- AP Japanese
- AP Spanish Language
Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
Advanced Placement Drawing
Anatomy and Physiology
Animation 2
Animation Capstone
Cartooning and Comic Book Production
Child Development
Child Development Capstone
Child Development: Equity and Diversity
Child Development: Literacy and Language Development
Coding Basics A: Building Blocks
Coding Basics B: Scratch
Computer Literacy
Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
Criminal Justice: Public Safety (2 Semesters)
Digital Illustration
Discover the Story of You
Entrepreneur Academy
Entrepreneurship Capstone
Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
Filmmaking 3: Capstone
Foundations in Visual Art
Game Design 1
Game Design 2
How to Draw! For Beginners
How’d They Do It? (Section A)
How’d They Do It? (Section B)
Intro to Animation
Journalism 1
Journalism 2
Life Drawing for Beginners!
Lights, Camera, Action!
Magical Words
Marketing and Business Leadership
Medical Terminology
Mental and Behavioral Health
Middle School Photography
Movie Magic: A History of Film
Patient Care Capstone
Photography 1
Photography 2
Photography 3
Puppet Show Theatre
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Capstone
Storyteller’s Roadmap
Theater 1: All the World’s a Stage!
Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
Treasure Island
Video Production 1: From Script to Screen
Video Production 2: Innovating Narrative Film
Video Production 3: Capstone
Writing for Stage and Screen: Film Academy
- Accounting
- Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
- Advanced Placement Drawing
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Animation 2
- Animation Capstone
- Cartooning and Comic Book Production
- Child Development
- Child Development Capstone
- Child Development: Equity and Diversity
- Child Development: Literacy and Language Development
- Coding Basics A: Building Blocks
- Coding Basics B: Scratch
- Computer Literacy
- Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
- Criminal Justice: Public Safety (2 Semesters)
- Digital Illustration
- Discover the Story of You
- Entrepreneur Academy
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Capstone
- Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
- Filmmaking 3: Capstone
- Foundations in Visual Art
- Game Design 1
- Game Design 2
- How to Draw! For Beginners
- How’d They Do It? (Section A)
- How’d They Do It? (Section B)
- Intro to Animation
- Journalism 1
- Journalism 2
- Life Drawing for Beginners!
- Lights, Camera, Action!
- Magical Words
- Marketing and Business Leadership
- Medical Terminology
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Microbiology
- Middle School Photography
- Movie Magic: A History of Film
- Patient Care Capstone
- Photography 1
- Photography 2
- Photography 3
- Puppet Show Theatre
- Sports Medicine
- Sports Medicine Capstone
- Storyteller’s Roadmap
- Theater 1: All the World’s a Stage!
- Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
- Treasure Island
- Video Production 1: From Script to Screen
- Video Production 2: Innovating Narrative Film
- Video Production 3: Capstone
- Writing for Stage and Screen: Film Academy
Field Studies
Foreign Language Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French A
Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French B
Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French C
Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French D
Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish A
Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish B
Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish C
Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish D
Youkoso – Intro to Japanese
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
- Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French A
- Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French B
- Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French C
- Bonjour! Je m’appelle: Middle School French D
- Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish A
- Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish B
- Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish C
- Hola, me llamo: Middle School Spanish D
- Youkoso – Intro to Japanese
Upper School: 9th - 12th
General Electives Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Character Counts!
Clay World A
Clay World B
Clay World C
Clay World D
Coding Basics A: Building Blocks
Coding Basics B: Scratch
Dream UP to Space!
Elementary Yoga
Entrepreneur Academy
Fantastic Fuel: The Body and the Food We Feed It
Forensic Detectives
Health Happens A: Looking Out for #1!
Health Happens B: Keeping My Head, Body and Heart Safe
Health Happens C: My Busy Body – Growth, Development & Sexual Health
Health Happens D: Just Say NO!
Puppet Show Theatre
Study Skills for Beginners
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Child Development
Child Development Capstone
Child Development: Equity and Diversity
Child Development: Literacy and Language Development
Computer Literacy
Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
Contemporary World Cultures and Geography
Criminal Justice: Public Safety (2 Semesters)
Culinary Arts 1
Entrepreneurship Capstone
Filmmaking 3: Capstone
Forensic Investigators
Foundations in Acting
Game Design 1
Game Design 2
Guide to College Applications and Essays
Introduction to Art History
Journalism 1
Journalism 2
Marketing and Business Leadership
Medical Terminology
Mental and Behavioral Health
Mock Trial
Multicultural Ethnic Studies
Patient Care Capstone
Poetry and Spoken Word
Special Projects
Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies
Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
Work Experience
World Religions
Writing for Stage and Screen: Film Academy
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
- Advisory
- Character Counts!
- Clay World A
- Clay World B
- Clay World C
- Clay World D
- Coding Basics A: Building Blocks
- Coding Basics B: Scratch
- Dream UP to Space!
- Elementary Yoga
- Entrepreneur Academy
- Fantastic Fuel: The Body and the Food We Feed It
- Forensic Detectives
- Health Happens A: Looking Out for #1!
- Health Happens B: Keeping My Head, Body and Heart Safe
- Health Happens C: My Busy Body – Growth, Development & Sexual Health
- Health Happens D: Just Say NO!
- Mindfulness
- Puppet Show Theatre
- Study Skills for Beginners
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Accounting
- Advisory
- Child Development
- Child Development Capstone
- Child Development: Equity and Diversity
- Child Development: Literacy and Language Development
- Computer Literacy
- Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
- Contemporary World Cultures and Geography
- Criminal Justice: Public Safety (2 Semesters)
- Culinary Arts 1
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Capstone
- Filmmaking 3: Capstone
- Forensic Investigators
- Foundations in Acting
- Game Design 1
- Game Design 2
- Guide to College Applications and Essays
- Health
- Introduction to Art History
- Journalism 1
- Journalism 2
- Marketing and Business Leadership
- Medical Terminology
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Microbiology
- Mindfulness
- Mock Trial
- Multicultural Ethnic Studies
- Naturalism
- Patient Care Capstone
- Poetry and Spoken Word
- Sociology
- Special Projects
- Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies
- Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
- Work Experience
- World Religions
- Writing for Stage and Screen: Film Academy
iLEAD Adventure -
Be the Change! Young Citizens Developing Community Action Skills
Blast from the Past!
Clay World A
Clay World B
Clay World C
Clay World D
Cooking Around the World
iLEAD Adventures: Grade 1
iLEAD Adventures: Grade 2
Junk Debunked: A Journey of transforming Trash and Natural Materials into Treasure
Kapow!: What Makes a Hero Super?
Online Adventures: Grade 3
Online Adventures: Grade 4
Online Adventures: Grade 5
Online Adventures: Grade 6
Online Adventures: Grade 7
Online Adventures: Grade 8
Online Adventures: Grade K
Online Adventures: Grade TK
Take Me to Your Leader: The Study and Design of Planets
Trails and Tales
- Be the Change! Young Citizens Developing Community Action Skills
- Blast from the Past!
- Clay World A
- Clay World B
- Clay World C
- Clay World D
- Cooking Around the World
- iLEAD Adventures: Grade 1
- iLEAD Adventures: Grade 2
- Junk Debunked: A Journey of transforming Trash and Natural Materials into Treasure
- Kapow!: What Makes a Hero Super?
- Online Adventures: Grade 3
- Online Adventures: Grade 4
- Online Adventures: Grade 5
- Online Adventures: Grade 6
- Online Adventures: Grade 7
- Online Adventures: Grade 8
- Online Adventures: Grade K
- Online Adventures: Grade TK
- Take Me to Your Leader: The Study and Design of Planets
- Trails and Tales
Language Arts Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
A Long Walk to Water
Crazy Creatures of the Depths
Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? Learning Figurative Language With Dr. Seuss
Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
Frankly Cautionary: Fables, Fairy Tales and Fear
How Gods and Monsters Made the World
How to go Down in History: The Greatest Speeches of all Time
How to Win an Argument
Introduction to Spoken Word and Poetry
Magical Words
Multicultural Poetry
Storyteller’s Roadmap
Strange Happenings in Short Stories
The Making of a Hero: Myth and Adventure in The Odyssey
The Master of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe
Treasure Island
Women’s Stories
Writing Rules! for 6th Grade
Writing Rules! for 7th Grade
Writing Rules! for 8th Grade
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
Advanced Placement Research
Advanced Placement Seminar
American Literature (English 11)
British Literature (English 12)
Foundational English
Honors American Literature (English 11 Honors)
Honors British Literature (English 12)
Introduction to Analysis and Critical Thinking (English 9 Honors)
Introduction to Analysis and Critical Thinking (English 9)
Multicultural Literature (English 10)
Multicultural Literature Honors (English 10 Honors)
The Making of a Hero: Myth and Adventure in The Odyssey
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
- A Long Walk to Water
- Crazy Creatures of the Depths
- Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? Learning Figurative Language With Dr. Seuss
- Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
- Frankly Cautionary: Fables, Fairy Tales and Fear
- How Gods and Monsters Made the World
- How to go Down in History: The Greatest Speeches of all Time
- How to Win an Argument
- Introduction to Spoken Word and Poetry
- Magical Words
- Multicultural Poetry
- Storyteller’s Roadmap
- Strange Happenings in Short Stories
- The Making of a Hero: Myth and Adventure in The Odyssey
- The Master of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe
- Treasure Island
- Women’s Stories
- Writing Rules! for 6th Grade
- Writing Rules! for 7th Grade
- Writing Rules! for 8th Grade
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
- Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
- Advanced Placement Research
- Advanced Placement Seminar
- American Literature (English 11)
- British Literature (English 12)
- Foundational English
- Honors American Literature (English 11 Honors)
- Honors British Literature (English 12)
- Introduction to Analysis and Critical Thinking (English 9 Honors)
- Introduction to Analysis and Critical Thinking (English 9)
- Multicultural Literature (English 10)
- Multicultural Literature Honors (English 10 Honors)
- The Making of a Hero: Myth and Adventure in The Odyssey
Math Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Let’s Bake Up Some Sweet Fractions!
Math 4A: Multi-Digit Mania
Math 4B: Fantastic Four Operations
Math 4C: Ready, Set, FRACTION!
Math 4D: Fraction Action
Math 5A: That’s Intenths
Math 5B: Frozen Fractions all Around
Math 5C: You Want a Piece of Me? (Numbers and Operations: Fractions)
Math 5D: Once Upon a Graph (Geometry)
You + Math
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Geometry in Architecture
Let’s Bake Up Some Sweet Fractions!
Math 6A: I’m Absolutely Positive
Math 6B: Express Yourself
Math 6C: ABCs and 123s
Math 6D: The Third Dimension
Math 7A: Be Rational
Math 7B: Blown Out of Proportion
Math 7C: Tipping the Scales
Math 7D: Lying with Statistics
Math in Sports
Pre-Algebra Part A: Let’s Get to the Root of It!
Pre-Algebra Part B: Are You Functioning?
Pre-Algebra Part C: The Eliminator!
Pre-Algebra Part D: Adding it All Up!
You + Math: Algebra Foundations
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 Honors
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 Honors
Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
Foundational Math
Geometry Honors
Integrated Math I
Integrated Math II
Integrated Math III
Pre-Calculus Honors
You + Math: Algebra Foundations
You + Math: Geometry Foundations
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
- Let’s Bake Up Some Sweet Fractions!
- Math 4A: Multi-Digit Mania
- Math 4B: Fantastic Four Operations
- Math 4C: Ready, Set, FRACTION!
- Math 4D: Fraction Action
- Math 5A: That’s Intenths
- Math 5B: Frozen Fractions all Around
- Math 5C: You Want a Piece of Me? (Numbers and Operations: Fractions)
- Math 5D: Once Upon a Graph (Geometry)
- You + Math
Middle School: 6th - 8th
- Geometry in Architecture
- Let’s Bake Up Some Sweet Fractions!
- Math 6A: I’m Absolutely Positive
- Math 6B: Express Yourself
- Math 6C: ABCs and 123s
- Math 6D: The Third Dimension
- Math 7A: Be Rational
- Math 7B: Blown Out of Proportion
- Math 7C: Tipping the Scales
- Math 7D: Lying with Statistics
- Math in Sports
- Pre-Algebra Part A: Let’s Get to the Root of It!
- Pre-Algebra Part B: Are You Functioning?
- Pre-Algebra Part C: The Eliminator!
- Pre-Algebra Part D: Adding it All Up!
- You + Math: Algebra Foundations
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Advanced Placement Calculus AB
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 1 Honors
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 2 Honors
- Consumer Math and Financial Literacy
- Foundational Math
- Geometry
- Geometry Honors
- Integrated Math I
- Integrated Math II
- Integrated Math III
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus Honors
- You + Math: Algebra Foundations
- You + Math: Geometry Foundations
Physical Education Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Science Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Anatomy and Physiology
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Earth Science
Environmental Science
Intro to Engineering
Medical Terminology
Patient Care Capstone
Physical Science
Self-Directed Learning Biology
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Capstone
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Advanced Placement Environmental Science
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Biology
- Biology Honors
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Honors
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
- Intro to Engineering
- Medical Terminology
- Microbiology
- Naturalism
- Patient Care Capstone
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Self-Directed Learning Biology
- Sports Medicine
- Sports Medicine Capstone
Social Sciences Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Ancient Civilization A: Mesopotamia, Egypt & Israel
Ancient Civilization B: India & China
Ancient Civilization C: Greeks & Romans
Ancient Civilization D: Maya, Aztec & Inca
Dig Detectives
From Colonies to Country
Introduction to Criminal Justice for Middle School
It’s All Greek to Me!
Medieval Times I
Medieval Times II
Mock Trial for Middle School
Reforming America
The Ballad of America
The Great Frontier: Tracing the Journey of Lewis and Clark
The Nation Divides and Reunites
The New Republic
The Oregon Trail
The Wild West
Walk Like an Egyptian
Women Warriors
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Advanced Placement Government and Politics
Advanced Placement Human Geography
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
Advanced Placement Psychology
Advanced Placement United States History
Advanced Placement World History
United States Government & Politics
United States History
World History
World Religions
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
- Ancient Civilization A: Mesopotamia, Egypt & Israel
- Ancient Civilization B: India & China
- Ancient Civilization C: Greeks & Romans
- Ancient Civilization D: Maya, Aztec & Inca
- Dig Detectives
- From Colonies to Country
- Introduction to Criminal Justice for Middle School
- It’s All Greek to Me!
- Medieval Times I
- Medieval Times II
- Mock Trial for Middle School
- Reforming America
- The Ballad of America
- The Great Frontier: Tracing the Journey of Lewis and Clark
- The Nation Divides and Reunites
- The New Republic
- The Oregon Trail
- The Wild West
- Vampires!
- Walk Like an Egyptian
- Women Warriors
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Advanced Placement Government and Politics
- Advanced Placement Human Geography
- Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
- Advanced Placement Psychology
- Advanced Placement United States History
- Advanced Placement World History
- Economics
- United States Government & Politics
- United States History
- World History
- World Religions
Track C Adventure courses (July/Aug)
Visual and Performing Arts Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
Advanced Placement Drawing
Animation 2
Animation Capstone
Cartooning and Comic Book Production
Digital Illustration
Filmmaking 3: Capstone
Foundations in Acting
Foundations in Visual Art
Intro to Animation
Lights, Camera, Action!
Movie Magic: A History of Film
Photography 1
Photography 2
Photography 3
Theater 1: All the World’s a Stage!
Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
Video Production 1: From Script to Screen
Video Production 2: Innovating Narrative Film
Video Production 3: Capstone
Elementary: 3rd - 5th
Middle School: 6th - 8th
Upper School: 9th - 12th
- Advanced Placement 2D Art & Design
- Advanced Placement Drawing
- Animation 2
- Animation Capstone
- Cartooning and Comic Book Production
- Digital Illustration
- Filmmaking 3: Capstone
- Foundations in Acting
- Foundations in Visual Art
- Intro to Animation
- Lights, Camera, Action!
- Movie Magic: A History of Film
- Photography 1
- Photography 2
- Photography 3
- Theater 1: All the World’s a Stage!
- Theater Capstone: The Transformational Actor
- Video Production 1: From Script to Screen
- Video Production 2: Innovating Narrative Film
- Video Production 3: Capstone