At the heart of learning is your child. iLEAD Online Adventures, our virtual project-based-learning option, invites your child to put their fingerprint on education and make it their own. More than just instructions and suggested materials to make a product, our projects are adjustable, engaged, and guided learning, all from the comfort of your home.

Each series of hands-on learning activities reinforces our online projects. At the foundation of every project is an authentic and cross-disciplinary challenge. A good project solves a problem! Learners have the opportunity to express creativity, use problem-solving skills, and apply learned content to real-world problems.

iLEAD Online Adventures is a great option for families seeking a simplified approach to online learning. Learners dive deep into the weekly content, which culminates with a project related to real-world skills. Our facilitator does the hard work for you: from supporting growth opportunities to providing feedback and assessing your child’s strengths. Parents/caregivers can partner as little or as much as desired.

Daily live sessions are available to allow for engagement and live learning activities and support.


Track C Adventures begin July 1: View our Track C courses.

Track A Adventures begin in the fall: View our school year calendar.

Grade TK: Grade TK Learning Experiences

Grade K: Grade K Learning Experiences

Grade 1: Grade 1 Learning Experiences

Grade 2: Grade 2 Learning Experiences

Grade 3: Grade 3 Learning Experiences

Grade 4: Grade 4 Learning Experiences

Grade 5: Grade 5 Learning Experiences

Grade 6: Grade 6 Learning Experiences

Grade 7: Grade 7 Learning Experiences

Grade 8: Grade 8 Learning Experiences