Do you have an internship or job? Work experience offers the opportunity to experience a possible career option or training in different areas of employment while attending school and receiving credits towards your high school diploma. This course allows learners to document and reflect on their work experience and recognizes just how much there is to learn from the world around us.
Work Experience is a state program designed to bridge school and employment. Learners work in partnership with their instructor and employer to hone lifelong universal career skills while gainfully employed. Learners earn academic elective credit for their time at work and time spent completing coursework. This course is NOT a job placement program. Learners are responsible for obtaining employment. The course is for juniors and seniors in high school unless otherwise approved by the instructor and school administrator. Per state education code, a learner may earn 5 credits for 120 hours of work experience or 10 credits for 240 hours of work experience per semester.
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