Tag: online learning

iLEAD Online Digital Collaboration

iLEAD Online Models Course Walkthroughs For Better Professional Growth, Learning Outcomes

At one time in education, classroom walkthroughs were primarily done by school leaders and administrators. Then, some started adding in teachers in order to have them benefit from observing their … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Models Course Walkthroughs For Better Professional Growth, Learning Outcomes”

Sports Medicine

Facilitator Designs New Sports Medicine Pathway Modeling Ideal Online Project-Based Learning

Educators have often created curriculum. This can be projects, units of study or specific learning activities. For iLEAD Online Facilitator Harley Young, that is just scratching the surface. Since Young … Continue reading “Facilitator Designs New Sports Medicine Pathway Modeling Ideal Online Project-Based Learning”

Capstone Projects

iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects

As education becomes more project-based, career-focused and skill-oriented, many are looking to incorporate Capstone Projects into their curriculum. These are multi-faceted, cross-curricular pursuits that serve as a culminating curricular and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects”

Capstone Projects

iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects

As education becomes more project-based, career-focused and skill-oriented, many are looking to incorporate Capstone Projects into their curriculum. These are multi-faceted, cross-curricular pursuits that serve as a culminating curricular and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects”

Thomas Dyer

Facilitator Emphasizes Strong Relationships, Connections To Optimize Online Learning

When it comes to facilitators and learners, some have questioned whether it is possible to develop as strong of a connection online as can be developed in-person. Well, iLEAD Online … Continue reading “Facilitator Emphasizes Strong Relationships, Connections To Optimize Online Learning”

Online Safety

Online Safety for Kids

While we encourage more time outside, we also want to encourage parents to be proactive about safety in the digital world. Common Sense Media provides excellent evidence-based parent guides to … Continue reading “Online Safety for Kids”

Online Safety

Keeping Your Child Safe Online

With the holiday break looming, it’s natural that your child may be spending more free time online. While we encourage digital detox over the holidays and more time outside, we … Continue reading “Keeping Your Child Safe Online”

Online Learning

5 Ways to Prepare for the Start of the School Year

Learning online has many benefits. Flexibility in where and when you learn, and the ability to design your own learning space are two of them. But successful online learning requires … Continue reading “5 Ways to Prepare for the Start of the School Year”

5 Ways to Set Up for Online Learning Success

Learning online has many benefits. Flexibility in where and when you learn and the ability to design your own learning space are two of them. But successful online learning requires … Continue reading “5 Ways to Set Up for Online Learning Success”