***This course is not available for the Track C July/August learning period.***
Welcome to the world of creative writing. Try your hand at writing a scene for a movie, a chapter in a book, or a monologue in a play. Take a taste of the many many ways to express your writing—amazingness. And what you’ll discover is that although these writing styles appear terribly different, they are at their core, very similar. There is one unifying thread that unites all good writing. It’s called structure, and we’re going to talk a lot about that. Through movies, television shows, and books, we’ll learn what structure is and how to use it to help us create great stories.
But that’s not all we’ll cover. Oh no. We’ll spend some time on plot, character, dialogue, setting, and POV. Consider this class a creative writing sample platter. You’ll get a bit of everything. By the end, you’ll know so much more about yourself as a writer, and that new knowledge will inspire you to complete that wonderful story ruminating around in your head.
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