Learning Experience 1: Me, Myself and I (Quarter 1)
In this course, 4th graders will explore the question “What makes me who I am”? Learners will investigate identity by learning about the culture and diversity of indigenous people of California as well as understand how earth processes shape how we live and vice versa. 4th graders will get a chance to understand their own various identities by engaging in setting goals, participate in getting-to-know-you activities, self-examinations, and most importantly recognizing that we are all unique, and that’s what makes our learning community so dynamic.
Learning Experience 2: On a Mission (Quarter 2)
4th graders will explore and gain knowledge about the mission period of California history. Learners will focus on investigating what daily life was like in the missions. They will also learn about each of the mission’s architecture and establishment. As a culminating project learners will go back in time to 1818 and design a mission to submit for proposal. This course will have learners examine informational reading, construct an argument, learn about California geography, and understand how missions affected the California ecosystem. The culminating project will have learners apply their knowledge to plan a mystery party.
Learning Experience 3: Eureka! The California Gold Rush (Quarter 3)
4th graders have an opportunity to embark on a learning adventure about the California Gold-rush. Learners will discover why California was nicknamed the “Golden State” and learn about the influx of diverse settlers that came to California. Learners will become historians by listening to 49ers stories and discovering what it was like living in California during this golden time. Not only did the gold rush shape California history but it also influenced the natural environment and placed great demands upon our state’s natural and social resources.Along with learning about the California’s history and natural environment, Learners will extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. 4th graders will practice adding and subtracting fractions.
Learning Experience 4: Slip, Slide, Collide: Natural Disasters Preparers(Quarter 4)
In this adventure, 4th graders will learn about the causes, features, and risks of common natural hazards and then produce preparedness campaigns or guides for each major type of hazard. Learners will conduct in-depth research on their natural hazards, including in-person or virtual interviews with people who have experienced these hazards firsthand. Learners will work on informational writing, reading, and comprehension within this project. Learners will continue with exploring California history. This quarter, learners will focus on analyzing the California constitution and government. 4th graders will understand how their local government works and the major California industries.
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