Monday message 05.25.2020

iLEAD Online MAP Assessments

Dear learners and families, 

We are in the final stretch of the spring semester. In order to have a smooth transition to summer, please make sure you are on track to complete all coursework by May 29. If you need an extension, please reach out to your coaches/guides and facilitator; we are here to help. Please take advantage of iLEAD Online’s tutoring and office hours for help.

Thank you, 

The iLEAD Online Team

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Tour. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • 9/2: Labor Day – No School
  • 9/26-27: Individualized Learning Plans
  • 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans
  • 10/7-8: Mid-Fall Break, Staff Professional Development

Track C TK-8 Adventures

  • 9/2: Labor Day – No School
  • 9/12-13: K-5 Assessments
  • 9/26-27: Individualized Learning Plans
  • 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans
  • 10/7-11: Mid-Fall Break, Staff Professional Development

Click here for the school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

Quick Links

iLEAD Online MAP Assessments

MAP Assessments

We will be offering MAP assessments from May 18 to June 18 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (excluding Memorial Day, Monday, May 25). The testing times will be 10:00 AM … Continue reading “MAP Assessments”

iLEAD Online Enrollment

Track C Enrollment Is Here!

Please enroll for your summer course today. 

iLEAD Online Re-Enrollment

Re-enrollment Is Open!

Please keep a lookout for re-enrollment emails and take the time to complete them to secure your spot with iLEAD Online for next year.

iLEAD Online Science Courses

Tip of the Week: iLEAD Online Science Courses

We are busy updating course offerings for our learners! Here is a sneak peek at science courses that facilitator Ebony Eggleston will be offering learners in grades 5-8. Breakable Biodiversity … Continue reading “Tip of the Week: iLEAD Online Science Courses”

iLEAD Online Charter School

Gifts of Gratitude for Our Facilitators from Our Learners

This is the last of our three-part gratitude series.  Thank you, facilitators, for your good work. And thank you, learners, for your thoughtful notes. Erin Wade This course and Ms. … Continue reading “Gifts of Gratitude for Our Facilitators from Our Learners”

Family Resource Helpline

iLEAD Family Resource Helpline

We want to thank you for all you do for your children. Our lives have been shaken and changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. No matter what you’re feeling and experiencing, … Continue reading “iLEAD Family Resource Helpline”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!