Monday Message - August 24, 2020 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 08.24.2020

Dear Families,

Can you believe it? Another school year is upon us! Our staff is excited to be back, and we are putting on the final touches to prepare for another successful school year. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer, and you feel recharged and ready to start!  

This school year is going to be truly special. Why? Because our staff has gone above and beyond to create an iLEAD Online 2.0. This year we are adding grades K-2 to our Adventure Curriculum and expanding the course catalog for all grades.

To our learners: We want you to know how much we care about you at iLEAD Online. You’re the reason we come to work every day. You matter to every one of us, because learners are the heart and soul of our school. We hope that you know how special you are and just how much potential you hold.

To our families and parents: You are just as important. Without you, we could not reach our full potential as a school and online program. We value you and your opinions. We take to heart the feedback you give to us every year so we can improve and grow. 

We look forward to another great year and are very excited to meet all of our new learners. 

Thank you,

iLEAD Online Leadership Team

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/4: Spring Break

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar. August 24: Track A officially begins for fall 2020

New Classes at iLEAD Online Charter School

New Class Offerings!

Our dedicated and creative facilitators have added a lot of classes for our learners! To learn more, please visit our course catalog. New Courses for High School  AP Biology AP … Continue reading “New Class Offerings!”

spotlights iLEAD Online

Educator Spotlight: Adam Tunney

Adam Tunney has a rich and varied background. He earned his master’s degree in secondary education and a single-subject teaching credential in English. At age 24, he began teaching at … Continue reading “Educator Spotlight: Adam Tunney”

Homeschooling Space iLEAD Online

Getting Your Learning Space Ready

Whether you are new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for the past 100 years (or so it seems), sometimes it’s just fun to freshen things up a bit! Here … Continue reading “Getting Your Learning Space Ready”

Consider Registering with Amazon Smile

iLEAD Online is participating in the Amazon Smile program. When you shop on Amazon, they will donate .05% of your qualifying  purchases to our nonprofit school. This program does not … Continue reading “Consider Registering with Amazon Smile”

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