Filmmaking 3: Capstone - iLEAD Online

Filmmaking 3: Capstone (2 semesters)

$385.00 (per semester)


Access the Syllabus: Click HERE

UC/CSU “f” credit

Recommended for grades 10-12

Take your video production skills to the professional level with this year-long Video Production 3: Capstone course where you will learn by doing. You will select an option that works best for your growth towards your chosen career in the film/video sector, whether that is an internship, working in the field, creating a Youtube Channel and developing weekly content, creating your own low-budget films, or creating a production company and creating promotional videos. With whatever option, you should reach a professional level as you gain skills and knowledge throughout the two semester courses. It will take hard work but it should also be work you enjoy. Each semester requires 50 hours of work in the field. This course is a UC (A-G) G credit elective course. Students coming into this course should have prior experience or coursework in video production.

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Semester A, Semester B


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