How to Win an Argument - iLEAD Online

How to Win an Argument (1 quarter)



***This course is not available for the Track C July/August learning period.***

This course covers the California content standards for Social Sciences found here: English Language Arts Content Standards/California 

When thinking of an argument, most see two people having a shouting match. One person gets so loud it seems like he has won. But what Mr. Loud succeeded in doing was straining his vocal chords. The most successful argument winners use the power of their words to present a point of view. And the point of view is so compelling, be it through speech, poetry or even commercials, the words presented are so thought provoking that the other person has gained a powerful new understanding and changes his or her mind.

Access the Syllabus: Click HERE

Recommended for Grades: 5-7

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Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4


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