How Gods and Monsters Made the World - iLEAD Online

How Gods and Monsters Made the World (1 quarter)


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***This course is not available for the Track C July/August learning period.***

You may know about Percy Jackson, but did you know that pretty much every culture in the world has its own version of how things came to be? That includes having their own myths, legends, gods and monsters. In this course, we will read creation stories that come from Native American culture, the Vikings, Africa, India, China, Japan, Australia and Greece. As we do that, we learn about the history and the cultures of the people who told these stories. Learning about stories and where they come from is a great way to develop reading and writing skills, and so we will be practicing how to create an argument, prove a point and identify important parts of a story. The class coursework also offers students the opportunity to learn how to research online, identify elements of plot and express themselves in a strong, articulate manner.

Access the Syllabus: Click HERE

Recommended for Grades 7, 8

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Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4


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