
We Need Your Input!

Planning is underway for the 2020/2021 school year programming. We use the California State Local Control Accountability Plan as a compass to meet our school’s goals for improvement and to offer an excellent educational experience to your child. But we need to hear your voice. There are two ways to provide input this month.

  1. Participate in our Parent Survey, which will be emailed to you from Panorama Education, who safeguard your privacy, keeping your responses confidential. Check your email for the survey, which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete. We rely on your feedback to continually improve in our mission to provide high-quality online learning experiences that meet the needs of our well-rounded and lifelong learners.
  2. Participate in our live Community LCAP Forum over virtual meeting on March 24. You’ll hear about our goals and the progress we’ve made toward them this year. And then we open it up to you to provide insights, suggestions, and ideas on how we can continue to serve your children.


calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events / Calendars

By appointment: Virtual Tour. RSVP HERE Upcoming Events Track C TK-8 Adventures 7/22-26: Exploration/Block 4 7/29-8/2: Exploration/Block 5 8/5-9: Exploration/Block 6 8/12-16: Final Project Track A 8/19: First Day of … Continue reading “Upcoming Events / Calendars”


Public Summer Resources

Explore summer resources tailored for families within the the region we serve here at iLEAD Online. Discover a variety of offerings, including food assistance, engaging activities, tutoring services, employment aid, … Continue reading “Public Summer Resources”

iLEAD Online Senior Class of 20241

Developing Leaders: iLEAD Online’s Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

At iLEAD Online, we believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves around the iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, a collective vision that encapsulates our aspirations … Continue reading “Developing Leaders: iLEAD Online’s Schoolwide Learner Outcomes”