
Tip of the Week

You are likely on your computer or phone several hours a day. Did you know that the tint and light on the screen can tamper with your natural sleep pattern? F.lux  https://justgetflux.com to the rescue! This free utility adjusts the light and the tint of the screen based on the time of day; screens gradually get brighter during the day, peak, and then begin to dim – mimicking nature’s light.

Why does the light on a computer or phone screen matter? If a screen is still giving off a bright light at night, it is mimicking daylight hours — which confuses your brain. At night, your body knows it is time to sleep, and starts producing melatonin, a hormone that gives the body sleep cues. The bright screen and tint encourage the brain to stop that melatonin production, so you may find it difficult to sleep.

F.lux is an easy tool that will automatically adjust your screen lighting and tint based on your location. The nighttime screen may take you a few days to get used to, but the benefits could be worth it!


Anthony Lopez Spotlight

Spotlight on CTE Facilitator Anthony Lopez: Empowering Learners Through Game Design & Film

At iLEAD Online, our educators aren’t just teachers; they’re mentors, innovators, and inspiring guides. Anthony Lopez, or Mr. Lopez as his learners know him, embodies this spirit perfectly. With a … Continue reading “Spotlight on CTE Facilitator Anthony Lopez: Empowering Learners Through Game Design & Film”


iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew

Feeling like you need a break from schoolwork? Want to meet up with friends, chat, and have a great time socializing? We’ve got just the thing for you! Join us … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew”

Spring Surveys

Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon

Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learners … Continue reading “Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon”