State Testing
As a public charter school, we follow state testing practices. Please be on the lookout for an email with specific information on your testing options this year and click HERE for some preliminary details.
Having a high number of learner tests ensures that we continue to receive state funding to operate, as well as gives us valuable information to help our program grow and improve. We also know that test scores are only 1 indicator of learner growth and success. We take a holistic approach to how we view and educate children.
Click Here for Helpful tips to ease learners with State Testing
iLEAD Online Learners Elevate Storytelling with Visuals and Animation
At iLEAD Online, we’re dedicated to creating a diverse range of opportunities for learners to demonstrate their understanding. We believe in personalizing learning experiences, fostering an environment where learners are … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners Elevate Storytelling with Visuals and Animation”
Virtual State Capitol Tour for Grades 4-8: March 27
Join us for a fun and educational virtual tour of the State Capitol! Explore its history and see where laws are made, all from the comfort of your home. Date: … Continue reading “Virtual State Capitol Tour for Grades 4-8: March 27”
iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew
Feeling like you need a break from schoolwork? Want to meet up with friends, chat, and have a great time socializing? We’ve got just the thing for you! Join us … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew”