
Spotlight on Kate Wolfe: Meet iLEAD Online’s School Director!

Kate Wolfe - iLEAD Online Director

Meet Kate Wolfe, the dynamic school director of iLEAD Online! With a passion for education and a heart for every learner and educator, Kate leads a team of change-makers who are committed to providing personalized virtual learning at its finest. Join us as we get to know our fearless leader!

How did you come to be at iLEAD Online?

I started teaching right out of college at a 9-12 college prep high school. From there I also started teaching English at the college level.

I decided to make the change to iLEAD because I realized that I wanted to be part of a school that really values who kids are and how each of them learns in their own way.

iLEAD gave me the chance to grow my knowledge of independent study. I first worked as an EF over at iLEAD Exploration, and I’ve worked with iLEAD Online since the opening of our charter — as an English facilitator, team lead, program coordinator, and now director. I’m so grateful to be working with such passionate educators to support our incredible learners.

What’s the best part about your role? 

The best part is being able to support kids and our incredible team. I’m here to walk alongside each and every one of our team members to serve our kids. I love being able to step in and listen to what’s going on and offer support where it’s needed. Sometimes that’s just holding space for people to think out loud and sometimes that’s jumping in to create a passion project or a system that helps us work smarter. I love that I get to do that!

I also always love to join learners and our staff at the in-person events we offer our kids throughout the year.

What do you love about iLEAD Online? What sets it apart from other schools?

I love that iLEAD Online values learners for who they are and where they are in their journey. Our educators do such a good job meeting each learner where they’re at. We’re always ready to adjust, challenge, encourage and listen so that learners can really own their education. We’re different from other schools because we show every day that there’s more than one way to succeed. We make room for learners to explore that and show mastery of the things they’re learning in a way that speaks to them. Our kids get a whole team of people to support them, and that makes all the difference. We don’t try to push them into a mold. Our educators are talented and experienced enough to know how to balance what kids need to know with the flexibility of allowing them to learn in different ways. To me, that’s equity in education.

In your opinion, what makes a great leader?

I’m going to use my leadership quote for this one, because I feel it captures what I really believe makes a great leader: “Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don’t work for you; you work for them” (Ken Blanchard, American business consultant, author, and speaker).

There are great social-emotional learning activities/opportunities at iLEAD Online. Can you share a story about seeing learners using them in action?

Yes! We always work hard as a team to encourage academic integrity. The other day I got the opportunity to see our coaches and facilitators work together to support a learner who was using AI to complete a project. They modeled empathy when they reached out to listen and talk with the learner about their approach. They adjusted the project to incorporate AI so that the learner could understand how to use it without losing their own authentic voice. And through it all, they built a deeper relationship with each other and the learner. They modeled the way we hope our kids will learn to interact with each other and gave the learner the opportunity to be part of a discussion that matters to everyone.

Can you describe a day in the life of an iLEAD Online learner?

I think that’s part of the beauty of iLEAD Online. Every day can look a little different for each learner. We have campfire or live-instruction opportunities daily for kids to jump in and connect with their facilitators. Learners work with their coaches to make their own daily schedules that work best for them. Sometimes that means something pretty traditional. Other times that means being on set in the mornings as an actor, or practicing for a sport midday. We make space for that so that kids can explore their passions and learn without compromising either.

 What are some fun facts about you?

  • I ride horses and have been a competitive hunter jumper since I was six. All my kids ride now with me, and we train with the same trainer I grew up with.
  • I am always game to read a book. Any book (well, almost). It’s my favorite escape, and I make a point to read every night.
  • I love puns. They make me laugh every time, and the more ridiculous they are, the better. Please, keep them coming.
  • I cannot stand the smell of lavender.
  • I hated olives until I got pregnant with my twins and have loved them ever since. Weird.
  • My least favorite food is water chestnuts. Also weird. Pregnancy didn’t change that one.

Join us in celebrating Kate as she continues to guide our work at iLEAD Online with a commitment to excellence, empathy, inclusive collaboration, integrity, and servant leadership.


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