
Special Poetry Feature

Antonio D’onofrio is an inspiring writer who is enrolled in iLEAD Online. We are happy he has allowed us to share a poem he wrote this month. Enjoy!


Gas Runs In My Veins

By Antonio D’onofrio


My heart is my engine

My bike is my soul

As I start the bike fuel runs through my engine starting a fire in my heart

Smoke flying out of the exhaust as my breath fogs up my goggles blurring my vision

But somehow I can see everything crystal clear.

Goosebumps arise on my arms as I grab the throttle

The bike is alive and breathing and waiting for its que

My hearts pounding as I let go of the clutch

The gears engage and the tire is spinning


As I look to the side, the hills are flying by me like I’m gliding on air

Total concentration

One tiny rock could end my existence

But all my worries seem to disappear and my only focus is what’s in front of me

The past is only a cloud of dust


I’m in complete freedom with my heart and soul

I couldn’t care less if the world is burning around me but for the few seconds that there is no limit to speed, are the best seconds of my life

Speed is my medicine Freedom is my cure

My Bike is my soul and my heart is my engine

Gas runs in my veins and blood runs through bike



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