
Senior Scoop: Juniors & Seniors, Take a Look!

learner on laptop


Please remember to check Senior Scoop in BrightSpace a few times a week so that you don’t miss any class events, reminders, updates, or resources. It’s very important for you to be informed, and most of your questions can be answered from the information on the page. There’s a cool countdown to graduation feature as well. Check it out!


Please look for the “Senior Scoop” page in BrightSpace. You are now a part of the Junior Journey group and will receive special announcements, updates, and resources just for the Class of 2024! Please be sure to check this page weekly, as you don’t want to miss important information on preparing for your senior year! If you have any questions, please reach out to your counselor, Mrs. Johnson.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes (1)

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authentic Individuality

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our March focus is authentic individuality. This article has several tips to help you foster authenticity in your child: “Celebrating … Continue reading “Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authentic Individuality”

iLEAD Online Family Guidebook

iLEAD Online Family Guidebook

We would like to provide you with our 2024-25 Family Guidebook resource and annual notifications. We provide this guidebook as a way to work in partnership, to support learners and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Family Guidebook”

iLEAD Online Info Sessions Final

Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual info sessions, where you can learn about iLEAD Online, a tuition-free public charter school serving grades TK-12 in Los Angeles, … Continue reading “Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!”