
Project-Based Learning at iLEAD Online

learner project STEM

Project-based learning is foundational to our approach to education at iLEAD Online.

What is project-based learning (PBL)?

PBL is an educational approach that emphasizes the use of projects or tasks as the primary means of educating and learning. In PBL, learners engage in a variety of real-world projects that require them to apply what they have learned in a practical, hands-on manner.

In project-based learning, learners take an active role in their own learning, working collaboratively in groups to investigate and solve complex problems. The projects are designed to be relevant to learners’ interests and to connect to their everyday lives. Learners are encouraged to explore and ask questions, and to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

The goal of project-based learning is to create a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for learners. Our goal at iLEAD Online is to challenge learners to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and the ability to apply what they have learned in real-world situations.


iLEAD Online Team Spotlight Ruth Bohannon

iLEAD Online Team Spotlight: Ruth Bohannon

Meet Ruth Bohannon, AKA Ms. Ruth, a seasoned tutor at iLEAD Online who brings decades of teaching experience and a passion for fostering each learner’s success. Let’s get to know Ms. Ruth! Please tell us about your background. I was born, raised, and spent my first half century in Southern California. I earned an art … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Team Spotlight: Ruth Bohannon”

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events / Calendars

By appointment: Virtual Tour. RSVP HERE Upcoming Events Mon., 5/27: Closed for Memorial Day Tue., 5/28-Tues., 6/4: Showcases of Learning Wed., 6/5: Last Day of School Click here for the school year calendars. Pacing Calendars High School Pacing Calendar Track A K-8 Pacing Calendar  Quick Links iLEAD Online Family Guidebook iLEAD Online Parent Guide

Virtual Open House

Virtual Open House Events

Join us for a virtual open house to learn about the many unique opportunities iLEAD Online has to offer your family, including the following: Personalized education Flexible schedules with pacing options: Track A (traditional fall start), Track C (July start), and individual courses (July/August Track C) Project-based & social-emotional learning Innovative critical thinking & entrepreneurship Tech focus & arts … Continue reading “Virtual Open House Events”