
Life Drawing Class, Learner Review

Life Drawing Class

by Amber Dunstan

This is my first quarter taking the Life Drawing Class with Ms. Turnball, and I love it! Art is my absolute favorite elective, so I was super excited about taking this course. I have enjoyed learning new art techniques and drawings that were challenging but fun at the same time. I had to push myself as an artist to practice some of the exercises that were unfamiliar to me, such as the blind contour drawings! I was hesitant to try to do the exercises because I had never done that before, but then after I got started I learned how fun it could be.

This class has taught me building blocks of art that I can use in my toolbox for the future. It’s not just about the finished product, but it’s about the techniques I learn along the way that will help me be a great artist. Ms. Turnbull makes this class especially enjoyable because I can work at my own pace and not rush my projects, which often becomes challenging on the busier school weeks. This course has been my best elective yet, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to try and dabble in art techniques, learn how to draw, or perfect their own skills!


iLEAD Online Senior Class of 20241

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Upcoming Events / Calendars

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