iLEAD Online Team Member Spotlight: Samin Davari
Meet iLEAD Online facilitator Samin Davari, AP Coordinator, TIP Mentor, Single Subject Teaching Credential: Chemistry
When I was in high school, my Chemistry teacher just passed out handouts but I didn’t really understand anything. When I went to college, I was behind and quickly learned to just memorize to pass the test. My major was in Food Science and Dietetics, so I memorized my way through Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and barely skimmed by for Biochemistry. The last course was Food Chemistry — finally something that mattered, and one day it just clicked and all of the years of memorization made sense. Food Chemistry made the content relatable.
I now see Chemistry all around me. After completing my Bachelors, I received my Masters of Arts in Teaching from University of Southern California. The best thing about teaching is the moment a learner begins to learn and really understand, it warms my heart every time. I love making science come alive for them.
I have been a part of the iLEAD family most of my teaching career, what I love most is the flexibility they provide learners and facilitators.
iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew
Feeling like you need a break from schoolwork? Want to meet up with friends, chat, and have a great time socializing? We’ve got just the thing for you! Join us … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew”
Important: Spring Surveys
Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learners … Continue reading “Important: Spring Surveys”
iLEAD Online TK-8 Meetup at the Gentle Barn: March 26
Calling all iLEAD Online TK-8 families! Get ready for an unforgettable afternoon at the Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita on Wednesday, March 26, at 2-4 PM. At the the Gentle … Continue reading “iLEAD Online TK-8 Meetup at the Gentle Barn: March 26”