iLEAD Online Team Member Spotlight: Harley Young
I spent a long time trying to find what I was passionate about in my younger years. The problem is I am passionate about so much! I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 7 years where I found a passion for fitness and teaching. I finished my Bachelors of Exercise Science while serving and left to pursue a Masters of Exercise Physiology at George Washington University. During my studies, I developed a deep passion for studying and understanding how diet and exercise affect our bodies. During a conversation about how to combat the childhood obesity epidemic, it occurred to me that until College, I had never received real information on how to live a healthy life. I had relied on hearsay and experimentation. This epiphany drove me to The University of Southern California and a Masters in Teaching. I now get to combine my passions for exercise and health with teaching, and through the powers of the CTE, pathway exposes each of you to these passions at an early age. I am very excited to continue the learning journey with you! Single Subject Teaching Credential: Biological Science
Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authentic Individuality
iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our March focus is authentic individuality. This article has several tips to help you foster authenticity in your child: “Celebrating … Continue reading “Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authentic Individuality”
iLEAD Online Family Guidebook
We would like to provide you with our 2024-25 Family Guidebook resource and annual notifications. We provide this guidebook as a way to work in partnership, to support learners and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Family Guidebook”
Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual info sessions, where you can learn about iLEAD Online, a tuition-free public charter school serving grades TK-12 in Los Angeles, … Continue reading “Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!”