
Exploring the Art of Equations in iLEAD Online’s Precalculus Honors Class


iLEAD Online Precalculus Honors facilitator Brooklynn Gross recently shared a stunning example of how math can be used to create art. Her learners used equations to create beautiful and intricate drawings, showcasing the surprising connection between mathematical concepts and artistic expression.

The assignment, adapted from Mrs. Krummel’s “Form Meets Function I: Polar Graphing Project,” challenged learners to explore the visual potential of polar equations. Learners were tasked with using at least two different polar equations and color in their creations. While graphing calculators could be used to plot polar equations, learners without access were encouraged to use the online graphing tool Wolfram Alpha.

To guide the learners, Ms. Gross provided a video demonstrating the artistic possibilities of polar graphing and a summary of basic polar graph types. This allowed learners to understand the connection between the equations and the resulting visuals.

Leilani C Precalculus Polar Graphing Project 10.2024

Following these instructions, iLEAD Online learner Leilani C. used the polar equations “Rose Curve” and “Limaçon” to create a beautiful drawing of “a fictional creature that is a mix of a bird and rabbit-like creature.”

“I love seeing our learners apply their creativity and interests,” Ms. Gross said, “and it is a sweet surprise finding out how talented so many of them are at so many things!”

By encouraging learners like Leilani to explore the artistic side of mathematics, Ms. Gross demonstrates the beauty and elegance of equations while developing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

High schoolers who have taken Algebra 2 are invited to join the mathematical adventure by enrolling in Precalculus Honors at iLEAD Online.


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