
Course Facilitator Spotlight: Jenny Slider

Jenny has been an educational psychologist/doula for the past 13 years, and an educator for over 22 years. She received a bachelor’s degree from UCLA and a M.Ed. from CSUN. She began her career as a preschool teacher and then became an elementary school teacher after graduating from college.

For the last 13 years, Jenny has also been homeschooling her youngest five children. It has been one of the best decisions of her life! Her children are truly her teachers. Jenny is happily married to her best friend and is also a proud grandma of three. She considers herself a perpetual student as she strives to forever learn and grow.

Jenny encourages others to see learning as an adventure. She understands that we are all unique individuals who learn in different ways. Jenny loves to help students and families find their own unique path to success. “Love heals. Heals and liberates. I use the word love, not meaning sentimentality, but a condition so strong that it may be that which holds the stars in their heavenly positions and that which causes the blood to flow orderly in our veins.”


Course Facilitator Spotlight: Kobe Jones

Innovations Tutor I’ve worked and assisted with different areas at SCVi, including Kids Club, on-site tutoring, and online course tutoring. I’ve studied in Tokyo at Kudan Institute of Japanese Language and Culture and often create digital art. I’m available for tutoring via Remind at anytime.

Course Facilitator Spotlight: Laureen Agee

Psychology, Sociology I bring many years of teaching experience at all grade levels along with a passion for creating exciting learning situations to my teaching and classes. With a background in elementary, middle, high school, adult and alternative learning classes, my philosophy includes helping learners connect with what is relevant and important within the learner’s … Continue reading “Course Facilitator Spotlight: Laureen Agee”

Course Facilitator Spotlight: Emilie Evenson

Biology, Physical Education, Health I am a Cal Lutheran graduate. I earned a degree in liberal studies with an emphasis in biology. I have a creative and inquisitive mind, which makes me constantly seek for a deeper meaning in education. I am intrigued with alternative and progressive methods of educating, and my thirst for knowledge/practice … Continue reading “Course Facilitator Spotlight: Emilie Evenson”