
Course Facilitator Spotlight

Facilitator Spotlight

Erin Jones                                                                                                   

I have taught art and photography for over 23 years in Seattle and Southern California public schools. I am proud to be a part of iLEAD Schools. iLEAD is truly innovative and allows for creative solutions to best personalize learning for our children. Teaching online is a passion for me, I love the flexibility and unlimited possibilities our digital culture provides, allowing artists to create when and where we find inspiration. I have two adult children: my son who lives on the island of Kauai, and my daughter who lives in Portland.

Director of Online Programs, iLEAD Schools; Photography 1, 2, Exploring Visual Art, Digital Illustration

photo: alysonchafer.com


teen girl book (2)

High School Updates: California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society

iLEAD Online high schoolers, check out these opportunities! California Scholarship Federation (Grades 9-12) Why join the California Scholarship Federation (CSF)? Honorable Recognition on Transcript CSF Seal on Diploma Special Graduation … Continue reading “High School Updates: California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society”

iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes (1)

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Empathetic Citizen

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our February focus is Empathetic Citizen: “I seek to understand and appreciate what others are thinking, feeling, or experiencing.” This … Continue reading “Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Empathetic Citizen”


Returning Families, Intent to Return Survey Due by February 7

iLEAD Online families, please be sure to complete the Intent to Return survey to secure your 2025-26 seat for your currently enrolled learner. The deadline to complete the survey is … Continue reading “Returning Families, Intent to Return Survey Due by February 7”