Monday Message - September 21, 2020 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 09.21.2020

Dear iLEAD Online Families,

We hope you all had a terrific week! We are definitely starting to get into the groove of things and hope you are too.

We are working our way into assessments. You might be wondering, “Why is my child taking the MAP assessment?” or “What is the MAP?” MAP scores provide insight for facilitators on each learner’s ability by measuring achievement and growth. Facilitators use results to tailor lessons as well as to set goals for each learner. Since MAP data creates a useful snapshot of how to best meet each learner’s academic needs, it’s important that your child does their best and completes it independently. Although they may want help throughout the test, it’s important for families to take a backseat and let the child showcase their own learning. When learners complete the assessment independently, this provides facilitators with each learner’s true ability so we can be certain to create a learning program that will meet each learner where they are.

While in the classroom, we as educators ourselves find it difficult to not help our learners on the test, especially when they seem to want to be successful. We’ve found it helpful to encourage learners to do their best by reminding them to read and reread the directions, passage, and choices when necessary or to stop and think about it for a few minutes. This “think time” often provides the learners the confidence to choose the answer that makes the most sense.

MAP scores are not reflected in a learner’s grade or on their Report of Progress (ROP). They are merely one of the many resources we use to assess each learner’s individual ability, including other formal assessments, work samples, and interactions with learners during lessons. Please reassure any nervous test-takers that these assessments are similar to trying on shoes. We want to provide the “perfect fit” with the work they are asked to do.

Facilitators will also use the data to help with each learner’s Individualized Learning Plan (ILP). ILPs are a pillar of our school program. Each learner creates both academic and social-emotional goals with the support and guidance of their family and facilitator. ILPs will take place later this month, and your learners’ facilitator will soon be sending out more information and scheduling.

We want to thank all our families for their support and positivity during this time. The family and school connection is an important part of helping your child stay engaged in the learning process. We realize now more than ever, a strong home-school connection will set the stage for a child who will grow up with a love for learning.

Thank you,

iLEAD Online Leadership Team

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/4: Spring Break

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

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spotlights iLEAD Online

Educator Spotlight: Brooklyn Gross

Brooklyn Gross’s love for mathematics began when she was a child. She earned a degree in applied mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles. She began her teaching career … Continue reading “Educator Spotlight: Brooklyn Gross”

MAP Testing iLEAD Online

MAP Testing 

Dear Full-Time Families, We have begun our MAP testing for the beginning of the year. MAP testing is strongly encouraged for all our TK-12 full-time learners. The data from the … Continue reading “MAP Testing “

We Have Entered Our 4th Week of the Semester

We want all of our learners to be successful! We provide pacing guides to help our learners stay on track with their courses. Please feel free to print and reference … Continue reading “We Have Entered Our 4th Week of the Semester”

College Fairs

College Corner: College Fairs Online

College Fairs Online is the perfect resource for the virtual learning environment. Help your learners research and connect with great affordable colleges and universities for free without having to leave … Continue reading “College Corner: College Fairs Online”

Social Emotional Learning

Tips and Inspiration: Getting Started with iLEAD Online

Do you need help getting started with your online courses? This handy guide will walk you through the steps!  Please email us at if you need further assistance.

Dreamup To Space

Apply to Join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team!

iLEAD Online’s 5th-12th graders are invited to apply to join one of two DreamUp to Space Launch Teams, featuring experiments designed by learners at SCVi and iLEAD Exploration! Deadline to … Continue reading “Apply to Join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team!”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!