Dear iLEAD Online Family,
We want to take a moment to discuss the Educational Trailer Bill, AB 130, which passed mid-July 2021 in the State Assembly, and the impact it will have on our program moving forward. Our legal, executive and leadership teams met this summer to brainstorm how we can best implement these new requirements on such short notice for the 2021-22 school year. We have begun discussing long-term planning. We will be working in think tanks throughout the year to determine program-wide decisions that best align with our school’s mission and vision while keeping legalities and best practices in mind.
Here are some of the most impactful pieces of AB 130 for our school:
With Gratitude,
Your iLEAD Online Team
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Have you thought about volunteering as a public school board member or know someone who has? Charter schools are required to have community members and educational partners govern the school. … Continue reading “School Board Members Needed”
Overnight: Grades 6th-8th Catalina Island Marine Institute* (Learner Favorite) Fox Landing 5-Day Overnight Camp Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI) at Cherry Cove is a unique outdoor science school, providing an … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Overnight Field studies are Back!”
Please purchase and register for the exam here. Exam Cost: $96 per exam Deadline: Order on or before Nov 6 Please indicate in the notes section which exam you are … Continue reading “Register for Advanced Placement (AP) Exams”
iLEAD Schools have embraced entrepreneurship from its inception. After all, the ‘E’ in iLEAD stands for Entrepreneurial Development. Foundationally, working in teams, taking risks and learning from failure nurture entrepreneurism. … Continue reading “Entrepreneurial Development Key To iLEAD, Future Of Work”
From the time I started college, I knew that education was my passion. I wanted to pursue a career path that would allow me to help bring equity to education. … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Team Member Spotlight: Elsa Williamson”
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