Monday Message - January 11, 2021 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 01.11.2021

2021 journal, pen, office supplies

Happy 2021! We hope you are refreshed and ready to get back to school.

Our new courses do not begin until January 25. In the meantime, January 11-22 are reserved for ILP meetings with your child’s academic coach, MAP testing, advisory meetings/activities, and orientation for new full-time learners.

The pacing calendar is here for your reference.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/4: Spring Break

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

Quick Links

spotlights iLEAD Online

Educator Spotlight: Clay Adams

Clay Adams is an educator of many talents. He teaches real-world math, coding, and entrepreneurial skills. Before joining iLEAD Online, Clay focused on his family’s real estate investment business. He … Continue reading “Educator Spotlight: Clay Adams”

two people hiking, mountains in the distance

Things to Do: Take a Hike!

Hiking trails are bountiful in Southern California, and hiking may be a safe activity for your family during the time of COVID. Here are a few resources for you to … Continue reading “Things to Do: Take a Hike!”

Educational Documentaries

Tips and Inspiration: Documentaries to Spark Conversations

We thought you might like to have a list of documentaries that your family could watch and discuss. These recommendations come from multiple sources and cover various topics — some … Continue reading “Tips and Inspiration: Documentaries to Spark Conversations”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!