Monday Message - Jan. 21, 2019 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 01.21.2019

Dear Families,

Our course pacing guide officially starts this week. We hope each of you enjoy a day off on Monday and are ready to get started, if you have not already, on Tuesday.

Starting a new semester is exciting. You get to take the lessons you learned from last semester and apply them. Start new work habits, get to know a new facilitator, and learn new information and skills! There are many tools available to you to help you on your way.

  • Pacing Guide: This is our suggested guide for how to pace out and complete your courses on time.
  • Work Organizer: This can help you organize your work, keep track of your goals, and ensure that you are remembering what helps online learning success!
  • Live Chat Tutor: Each learner has a class titled “iLEAD Online Chat Tutor”. Learners can request a tutoring appointment for any of their subject to be delivered by phone, text, email, or video chat.
  • Parent Shadow Account: Please email us to request a PowerSchool account for parents to be able to access assignments, learner work, and grade reports!

We understand you may need to switch courses. Please use our withdrawal form within the first 20 days of registration to request a course change.

With gratitude,
The iLEAD Online team

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Wed., 3/26: TK-8 Meetup: Gentle Barn
  • Mon.-Fri., 3/31-4/4: Spring Break
  • Wed., 4/30: College Tour of USC (8th-12th)

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

Quick Links

Coach’s Corner: Full-Time Learner Updates

If you received an “I” for incomplete on your Semester 1 Report of Progress, you have until Friday, March 1st, to submit all work for that course. Please make every … Continue reading “Coach’s Corner: Full-Time Learner Updates”

Tip of the Week: Go Outside!

We love technology! In fact, we love it so much, we believe that children and teenagers can actively learn, think, engage, and create with online school. However, we also know … Continue reading “Tip of the Week: Go Outside!”

Science Lab Schedule

Our on-site science labs are a great way to get hands-on practice, connect with your peers, get help from your facilitator, and have FUN with science! Click HERE for our … Continue reading “Science Lab Schedule”

New Courses Available!

Continue reading for a full list of our new course offerings this semester. All courses are written by a credentialed expert and are specifically designed for online learning in the … Continue reading “New Courses Available!”

Staff Spotlight: Kelsey Evenson, Academic Coach

Growing up in a traditional school system was always a challenge for an ADHD learner like me. One thing that always inspired me to excel was meaningful social interactions and … Continue reading “Staff Spotlight: Kelsey Evenson, Academic Coach”

Things to Do: Madeleine Albright Book Discussion

This is an opportunity for learners to listen to a discussion with Madeleine Albright, the first female Secretary of State. She will be discussing her latest book, Fascism: A Warning. … Continue reading “Things to Do: Madeleine Albright Book Discussion”

Things to Do: Gap Year Fair for High School Learners

Going straight to college after high school is not for everyone. In fact, many learners take a gap year to work, travel, or explore other interests. If your high schooler … Continue reading “Things to Do: Gap Year Fair for High School Learners”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!