Monday Message - August 29, 2022 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 08.29.2022

Dear Families,

Can you believe it? Another school year is upon us! Our staff is excited to be back, and are ready for another successful school year. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer, and you feel recharged and ready to start!  

To our learners: We want you to know how much we care about you at iLEAD Online. You’re the reason we come to work every day. You matter to every one of us, because learners are the heart and soul of our school. We hope that you know how special you are and just how much potential you hold.

To our families and parents: You are just as important. Without you, we could not reach our full potential as a school and online program. We value you and your opinions. We take to heart the feedback you give to us every year so we can improve and grow. 

By now, you should have all received login instructions and your orientation course and academic coursework. Our online facilitators are ready for you to begin work, if you have not already. 

A few important details: 

  1. Please reach out if you feel stuck, frustrated, or lost. We are here to help you. Emailing is an easy and fast way to get support.
  2. If you would like a parent or shadow account with Brightspace, please complete this form
  3. View our pacing guides by clicking HERE. We value flexibility at iLEAD Online, and we’ve provided several options of how to pace learning this semester and still finish on time. 
  4. We offer live academic tutoring via chat/video. All learners are put in a live tutor course in Brightspace. We encourage everyone to get familiar with the tutor page, reach out to our tutor, and set up appointments for tutoring. From everything to navigating Brightspace, using Google Docs, to help with classes, this is a great option for extra support for all grade levels. 
  5. New to Brightspace? Here is a helpful get started Guide 

This semester is off to a great start. We are confident each of you will contribute to making our programs full of joy. 

Looking forward to a great year, 

The iLEAD Online Leadership Team

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/4: Spring Break

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

Quick Links

New Courses at iLEAD Online

We are excited to announce a couple of new courses to our course catalog: AP Seminar AP Research Game Design 1 and 2 Video Production 1, 2 and Capstone Journalism … Continue reading “New Courses at iLEAD Online”

Tips For Preparing a Successful At-home Workspace

Whether you are new to online learning or you have been homeschooling for years, sometimes it’s just fun to freshen things up a bit!  Here is a little inspiration for … Continue reading “Tips For Preparing a Successful At-home Workspace”

Tips to Avoid Eye Strain

As you adjust to extended time in front of your computer screen for learning, consider the tips in the article below for preventing eye strain and stress.  What’s the Best … Continue reading “Tips to Avoid Eye Strain”

Consider Registering with AmazonSmile

iLEAD Online is participating in the AmazonSmile program. When you shop on Amazon, they will donate .05% of your qualifying  purchases to our nonprofit school. This program does not cost … Continue reading “Consider Registering with AmazonSmile”

iLEAD Online Team Member Spotlight: Emma Perret

Ms. Emma Perret was born and raised in Wyoming. After high school, she pursued a degree in Musical Theatre. Upon completion, Emma transferred to a school in Tennessee and decided … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Team Member Spotlight: Emma Perret”

College and Career Corner

Hello Class of 2023! Please be advised that College & Career Advisory class meetings will begin Thursday, September 1st @ 11 am to 12 pm. Class will be every Thursday. … Continue reading “College and Career Corner”

College-Bound Webinar: How to write UC PIQs and College Application Essays

This one-hour webinar will help 12th graders understand how to write a strong response to the University of California Personal Insight Questions, as well as other college application essays, such … Continue reading “College-Bound Webinar: How to write UC PIQs and College Application Essays”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!