Monday Message - August 23, 2021 - iLEAD Online

Monday message 08.23.2021

Social Emotional Learning

Are You Ready?

iLEAD Online Orientation Starts August 23rd!

Thank you for continuing to be a part of our learning community. We pride ourselves on flexible, personalized learning that supports youth in achieving their goals and dreams.
Getting Started
The week of August 23rd, you will receive important account and Orientation information. This information will be sent to your learner’s email address submitted at the time of enrollment. Please check your email for your account activation access from iLEAD SCHOOLS.

August 23-27

Welcome! This week has been set aside for you to move through your orientation course here in Brightspace. There are LOTS of really helpful tools and tutorials for you there that you can go back to at any time during the semester.

August 30

Your classes do not begin until 8/30, and facilitators may not be grading work until after that date, but you are welcome to begin work once you see them in your class list. We are so excited to start a new semester with you! Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Live Support and Instruction

Every course includes virtual support from a qualified teacher during weekly live instruction. These optional opportunities give learners the chance to discuss course concepts, interact with peers, and get specific help to enhance learning. Check the homepage of each course for weekly office hours.

Additionally, all learners have access to our iLEAD tutoring course, where they may request live tutoring support or get their questions answered via email or text.

Prepare for Success

Click HERE for 5 ways to set up your learning space to be successful in an online course this semester. We also value time away from screens. Being unplugged and being outside are important parts of child and teen development. Click HERE for some tips and tricks on balancing learning and time away from the computer.

Helpful Information

Website. Our website has a myriad of resources to help you feel excited and get prepared for school. Check out our FAQs, Tips And Trick, About, and Our Team sections. You can also add a course, drop a course, request transcripts, and stay up to date with what’s new.

Pacing Guide

See our website: and select Calendars-Pacing Guides from the menu bar for our upcoming school year pacing guide. This is a suggested guide for success. Our courses are adjustable in pacing. Please contact the course facilitator for pacing help.

Stay in Touch

Follow us on Facebook for updates, examples of beautiful work, and more!

Spread the Word

We still have open spots for part-time and full-time enrollment this fall. Learning is always more fun with a friend.

It’s Never Too Late To Order More Courses!

CLICK HERE to see our full course catalog.

Our credentialed staff has been working hard to expand our course offerings. Using our project-based model of active learning, facilitators curate beautiful resources and learning activities to provide a meaningful learning experience based on standards and best practices of learning while providing an opportunity for real-world application with lots of voice and choice.


Video Production
Middle School Grammar and Writing
Middle School Social Science Courses That Meet Ca State Standards
Slam Poetry
Computer Applications
AP Seminar
AP Macroeconomics
Environmental Science
Honors Biology

Upcoming Events / Calendars

calendar, post-it notes

By appointment: Virtual Info Sessions. RSVP HERE

Upcoming Events

Track A

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/4: Spring Break

Track C

  • Mon, 3/31 – Fri., 4/11: Spring Break

Click here for school year calendars.

Pacing Calendars

Quick Links

Mental Health Support iLEAD Online

Mental Health Support

Did you know that if you text “HOME” to 741741 when you are feeling depressed or suicidal or just needing someone to talk to, a crisis counselor will text you? … Continue reading “Mental Health Support”

Get yourself in gear with iLEAD Online right away!