
Message from the iLEAD Online Team

Dear Families,

It’s a busy time. Our elementary and middle school learners are wrapping up their Quarter 1 courses. We hope that each of those courses brought authentic lessons that learners will carry with them throughout life, particularly curiosity and the confidence to know that that anything is possible with some dedication and hard work. Our high school learners are rounding into the last half of their courses. For all of our learners, we hope by now that the routine and skill of online learning has become second nature. We know it can take some time to adjust. If you still feel stuck or frustrated with PowerSchool or your courses, please reach out; we want to hear from you and put supports in place to help you. We have a lot of exciting things coming. Please read this week’s Monday Message carefully — there’s lots to do, take in, and look forward to!

With gratitude,
The iLEAD Online team


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iLEAD Online Receives Additional WASC Accreditation: Course Publisher

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from iLEAD Online! We’ve received an additional accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) specifically for our course publishing … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Receives Additional WASC Accreditation: Course Publisher”

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Power Up with iLEAD Online: Attendance Matters

Welcome to our new series, Power Up with iLEAD Online, where we’ll share tips and tricks for success at our school. This week, we’re focusing on attendance. Participate At iLEAD Online, … Continue reading “Power Up with iLEAD Online: Attendance Matters”

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iLEAD Online TK-8th Graders, Join Small Group Sessions, Win Great Prizes!

We are pleased to offer small group sessions designed to help your child succeed. Starting this semester, we’re making our small group interventions and instruction even more rewarding! For every small … Continue reading “iLEAD Online TK-8th Graders, Join Small Group Sessions, Win Great Prizes!”