
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

(Please see the school calendar for more information and pacing guide for more information)

  • October 23rd-25th: Elementary and Middle School families will be emailed a Q1 Report of Progress by facilitator.
  • October 30th: Parent University. Join us at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. for a chance to connect with other parents and receive tips and tricks to support an online learner.
  • November 30th: All work for learners should be turned in, with the exception of Exploration learners.


teen girl book (2)

High School Updates: California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society

iLEAD Online high schoolers, check out these opportunities! California Scholarship Federation (Grades 9-12) Why join the California Scholarship Federation (CSF)? Honorable Recognition on Transcript CSF Seal on Diploma Special Graduation … Continue reading “High School Updates: California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society”

iLEAD TK-3 Learners Hike and Paint (2)

iLEAD Online: A Personalized Approach to Public Education

iLEAD Online is a free public TK-12 school serving residents in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, and Kern County. With a focus on the whole learner, iLEAD Online emphasizes … Continue reading “iLEAD Online: A Personalized Approach to Public Education”

iLEAD Online Info Sessions Final

Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual info sessions, where you can learn about iLEAD Online, a tuition-free public charter school serving grades TK-12 in Los Angeles, … Continue reading “Join Us for a Virtual Info Session!”