
iLEAD Field Trips

We are so pleased to be able to offer our learners a variety of field trips this year! If you are interested in participating in either of these trips, please email Kate Wolfe at kate.wolfe@ileadschoolsonline.org for more information about cost and transportation on or before Friday, Sept. 29.

Check out what’s coming up next month:

6th grade: Print Museum, Oct. 6

Experience firsthand the colorful and graphic world of books and printing, from Gutenberg to the marvelous Linotype of 1886. The Museum’s Book Arts Tour is a visual journey through the graphic world of printing, paper, books and images using the world renowned collections of the Printing Museum. Your two-hour tour begins with the ancient world of the Babylonian clay tablets and Egyptian papyrus scrolls to the Chinese invention of paper and printing. After printing their own page of the Gutenberg Bible, learners will help to set metal type and print the pages for a book. They will learn to sew and bind their first book using historical models as inspiration. If you choose a paper-making option, learners will enjoy dipping their hands into the cold water of a papermaker’s vat, and will form their first sheet of paper. With wood type and engraved images of the 19th century, they will assemble and print a broadside, learning about theories of color and design.



7th and 8th grade: Joshua Tree Camping Trip, Oct. 25-26

During Positive Adventures’ program in Joshua Tree, participants can take advantage of multiple activities, such as rock climbing, hiking and caving. Positive Adventures’ programming not only takes advantage of Joshua Tree’s natural surroundings but also has strong elements of leadership and team-building built into the curriculum. Your learners will leave with a sense of renewed camaraderie, a deeper appreciation for their classmates, and a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship.

Program Goals:

  1. Participants will learn a variety of new outdoor skills relating to camp and outdoor adventure activities.
  2. Learners will have an opportunity to build strong relationships with each other and the faculty.
  3. Learners will challenge themselves in both a physical and mental capacity to go beyond what they thought was possible.
  4. Through the experiential education cycle, develop and build sound judgment and leadership skills.




iLEAD Online Learners Elevate Storytelling with Visuals and Animation

At iLEAD Online, we’re dedicated to creating a diverse range of opportunities for learners to demonstrate their understanding. We believe in personalizing learning experiences, fostering an environment where learners are … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners Elevate Storytelling with Visuals and Animation”

California State Capitol

Virtual State Capitol Tour for Grades 4-8: March 27

Join us for a fun and educational virtual tour of the State Capitol! Explore its history and see where laws are made, all from the comfort of your home. Date: … Continue reading “Virtual State Capitol Tour for Grades 4-8: March 27”


iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew

Feeling like you need a break from schoolwork? Want to meet up with friends, chat, and have a great time socializing? We’ve got just the thing for you! Join us … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Learners, Join the Virtual Hangout Lunch Crew”