Category: Monday Message

iLEAD Online Entrepreneur Pop Up Shop

iLEAD Online Entrepreneur Pop-Up Shop

Come shop at our entrepreneur pop-shop for yourself or a loved one.

iLEAD Online Charter School

Spring End Dates

Please click here to check the last day to submit work for your school.

calendar on iPad next to computer keyboard

Spring Pacing Guide

Be proactive! Here is a helpful pacing guide to reference as you complete your courses for the semester.

spotlights iLEAD Online

Educator Spotlight: David Murray

David Murray is a North Carolina native who transplanted onto Kauai in 1993. When the internet was making its debut, he decided to make a career in the technology field. … Continue reading “Educator Spotlight: David Murray”

iLEAD Online Learning

Tips and Inspiration: iLEAD Online Course Catalog

Our course catalog is full of outstanding classes created in-house by our facilitators. We want to bring your attention to some of them here. AP Computer Science A Fundamental topics … Continue reading “Tips and Inspiration: iLEAD Online Course Catalog”

iLEAD Online Science Project Based Learning

iLEAD Online Science Facilitator Offers Innovative, Personalized Project-Based Learning

By Michael Niehoff Education Content Coordinator, iLEAD Schools The worlds of advanced placement and project-based learning have not always aligned well. Indeed, many have argued that they are often the … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Science Facilitator Offers Innovative, Personalized Project-Based Learning”

sign with the word money

Important News for Seniors

Do you have a senior in your family who has applied for college learner aid? Because COVID has changed the financial situation for many families, learners may be able to … Continue reading “Important News for Seniors”

woman sitting in car looking out window

Fantastic Opportunity for Film learners

Our film learners have a fantastic opportunity. The organization DIRECTING CHANGE is hosting a competition. But this isn’t like other competitions in film; this one empowers young filmmakers to make … Continue reading “Fantastic Opportunity for Film learners”

Virtual College Fairs iLEAD Online

Virtual College Fairs

High school learners can attend college fairs from the comfort and safety of home. College Board is hosting virtual events giving learners a chance to communicate with college representatives, attend … Continue reading “Virtual College Fairs”

calendar on iPad next to computer keyboard

Spring Pacing Guide

Be proactive! Here is a helpful pacing guide to reference as you complete your courses for the semester.