English 9 - Online English Class - iLEAD Online Charter School

Introduction to Analysis and Critical Thinking (English 9) (2 semesters)

$385.00 (per semester)


Recommended for grades 9-10

This is an integrated English course that stresses the 3 C’s: communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. The focus of this course is to improve upon existing skills to increase your vocabulary, understand more of what you read, analyze facts and opinions, and relate your newfound knowledge to others through writing or speaking.

This semester will focus on a variety of texts from different genres to prepare you for English courses you will take in 10th, 11th and 12th grade. These texts include “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Call of the Wild by Jack London. Through exploring these stories, we will also examine themes like “heroism,” “human nature,” “good vs. evil,” “wildness,” the power of nature, and the “hero/heroine’s journey.” Throughout this course, you will build critical reading, thinking, and writing skills at the same time we study the transformative power of stories. The ultimate goal is TO LEARN A LOT and HAVE FUN!

Access the Syllabus A: Click HERE
Access the Syllabus B: Click HERE

Course text list available by request.

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Semester A, Semester B


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