
New Courses Available!

Continue reading for a full list of our new course offerings this semester. All courses are written by a credentialed expert and are specifically designed for online learning in the iLEAD model.

Life Skills 101 A

From personal budgeting to college applications, this course serves high schoolers as they are preparing to transition out of high school and into the the world. The course begins with an exploration of self. We are all uniquely different and special. We will dive into what makes you, YOU. From there, learners will prepare for their next steps after high school, whether it be college, travel, trade school, work, a gap year, or something else. Learners will engage in projects, research, and online group discussions where they can share what they are finding out about themselves and the endless options that exist after high school.

Recommended for grades 11-12

Work Experience

Do you have an internship or job? Work experience offers the opportunity to experience a possible career option or training in different areas of employment, while attending school and receive credits towards your high school diploma. This course allows learners to document and reflect on their work experience and recognizes just how much there is to learn from the world around us.

Work Experience is a state program designed to bridge school and employment. Learners work in partnership with their instructor and employer to hone lifelong universal career skills while gainfully employed. Learners earn academic elective credit for their time at work and time spent completing coursework. This course is NOT a job placement program. Learners are responsible for obtaining employment. The course is for juniors and seniors in high school unless otherwise approved by the instructor and school administrator. Per state education code, a learner may earn 5 credits for 120 hours of work experience, or 10 credits for 240 hours of work experience per semester.

Intro to Art History A

In this course, learners will explore diverse historical and cultural contexts of painting, architecture, sculpture, and other media. Major forms of artistic expression from a variety of cultures both past and present will be covered. Art history reflects the time period, culture, geography, and the political and socioeconomic status of a region’s inhabitants. Studying art history can foster an understanding of and respect for other cultures and can contribute to an appreciation of one’s own culture.

Women Warriors

Discover how throughout history, women have occupied places of power, prestige, and respect. Many kingdoms and cultures throughout time revered women for what they could bring to the society and culture as a whole. Dive in and learn about warrior women throughout time!

Recommended for : Grades 7, 8

Multicultural Studies: Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Cultural Studies is a one-semester elective history and sociology elective course, that focuses on Puerto Rico as a nation that has many ties and influences to the world. The course provides a complement to a learner’s overall educational experience by encompassing a wide range of perspectives on the cultural experience in Puerto Rico and the connection to the United States. It compliments Backpacks Full of Hope annual Puerto Rico Service Trip or can be taken as a stand-alone elective. Learners attending the Puerto Rico trip may earn up to 10 credits for this elective.

English 9 Honors

Studies have shown that individuals who often read high quality fiction appear to be better able to understand other people, empathize with them, and view the world from their perspective. That is our goal in this year-long high school level class! We will read literature as an expression of those higher things that make us most human: our emotions, our recognition of the need for a moral order, and our ability to experience the beauty of the human existence. We will spend a significant amount of time on honing critical thinking and writing skills. However, effective expression comes in many forms and learners will have the chance to develop their critical thinking skills through a variety of creative projects. In addition to the basic English I curriculum, this course encourages learners to deepen their understanding of literature, composition and critical analysis by completing supplementary projects and reading.

Successful completion of this course will grant UC “c” credit and honors credit for your school, but honors credit is not recognized by the UC for 9th grade.


Sports Medicine

Facilitator Designs New Sports Medicine Pathway Modeling Ideal Online Project-Based Learning

Educators have often created curriculum. This can be projects, units of study or specific learning activities. For iLEAD Online Facilitator Harley Young, that is just scratching the surface. Since Young … Continue reading “Facilitator Designs New Sports Medicine Pathway Modeling Ideal Online Project-Based Learning”

Capstone Projects

iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects

As education becomes more project-based, career-focused and skill-oriented, many are looking to incorporate Capstone Projects into their curriculum. These are multi-faceted, cross-curricular pursuits that serve as a culminating curricular and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects”

Capstone Projects

iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects

As education becomes more project-based, career-focused and skill-oriented, many are looking to incorporate Capstone Projects into their curriculum. These are multi-faceted, cross-curricular pursuits that serve as a culminating curricular and … Continue reading “iLEAD Online Middle School Team Goes Bigger, Broader and Deeper With Capstone Projects”