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French 4

iLEAD Online Foreign Language

***This course is not available for the Track C July/August learning period.***

In this course, learners will discover and read selections from great works of French literature. Interaction with these texts and authentic materials will be the basis for the work on French language skills. Learners will be introduced to both modern and classic literary works throughout both semesters. French 4A begins with French classics including French poetry by Victor Hugo and Charles Baudelaire as well as the original version of Beauty and the Beast. French 4A concludes with reading the well-known play Cyrano de Bergerac.

Learners will engage in book discussions that will focus on furthering their understanding of not only literature but also the French language.

Prerequisites: French 1A & 1B + French 2A & 2B + French 3A & 3B

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