iLEAD Online

Criminal Justice

iLEAD Online General Electives

***This course is not available for the Track C July/August learning period.***

Semester A: This course will introduce you to our nation’s criminal justice system, as we explore the history of the legal system and reforms that have led us to our current system today.  We will develop a deep understanding of what justice means. We will explore several different policing strategies and also interviewing and investigation techniques during a mock investigation. Finally, we will explore the court system with an introductory look at the trial process.

Semester B: This course is a continuation of Intro to Criminal Justice A, where we will continue to explore the criminal justice system. This course will focus on the juvenile justice system and will explore the differences between the adult and juvenile justice systems. We will gain an understanding of the corrections system and what its goals are. Lastly, we will take on the current hot topic of reform, and identify changes that are needed in our criminal justice system.

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