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The Benefit of MAP Testing

iLEAD Online full-time learners take the nationally acclaimed Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. MAP tests are “smart” tests, adapting to your learner’s level of learning, meaning they are not too hard or too easy, and give us a more accurate picture of the skills your learners are ready to start developing. This computer-adaptive test can be conveniently taken in your home. Each learner will take the math and reading tests at least two times this school year to demonstrate  growth and progress. Results are available within days. Individual results are shared with the family and Academic Coach only; collective results are shared by grade level and with no identifying information.

Why do we do this? We believe in smart data! The information provided to us about your learner is vast, and we use this data to create learning goals, adapt our curriculum to meet your learner’s needs, and provide appropriate resources to your learner. Taking the test at minimum twice (although you may wish to take it three times in one year) allows us to celebrate growth and track goals throughout the year and multiple years that your learner is enrolled with us. This is just one point of data we use to understand your learner and provide meaningful and personalized instruction.

MAP scores also give predictions as to how your learner will do on college entrance exams (the SAT and ACT). This helps us make recommendations for preparation and planning for college admissions.

For more information about the MAP tests, please visit: Please be on the lookout for information about our Winter MAP window. If you tested with us in the fall, you should plan to take one MAP test either this month or in the spring. If you did not test with us in the fall, please plan on taking the winter MAP test. The test is very easy to set up and complete from home, and should take no longer than a few hours.

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