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Empowering Teens Workshop

iLEAD Online has partnered with Evolve Life Center for Learning in their Empowering Teens Workshop, with teen and parenting expert Alex Urbina, May 18th and 19th at SCVi in Santa Clarita Valley. Full-time learners ages 13-17 may register for free with their Academic Coach. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other teens and walk away feeling empowered and ready for life!

The Empowering Teens Workshop is a powerful two-day interactive class designed to teach teenagers how to take responsibility for their own lives and discover their own passion and purpose.

In the workshop, teens are inspired and taught how to challenge their own self-limiting beliefs, doubts, fears and all the other
insecurities that may be in the way of accessing their full potential.

Alex Urbina’s Transformational Teen Training is a unique experience that wakes-up the human spirit within. He has been transforming the lives of teenagers for over 23 years all over the world, and is based in Santa Clarita. Class size is limited to 35, and workshops are limited twice a year.

To register, click here. For more information call Erin at (661) 904-4911 or email

SCVi is located at 28060 Hasley Canyon Rd. in Castaic.

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