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Coach’s Corner: Full-Time Learner Updates

Group of teenagers making different activities sitting in an urban area

If you received an “I” for incomplete on your Semester 1 Report of Progress, you have until Friday, March 1st, to submit all work for that course. Please make every possible effort to meet that deadline. Work with your coach and facilitator to create a work plan that’s best for you. We are here to support your success in meeting this deadline.

Please make sure to take our annual survey HERE if you have not already. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your answers and comments are confidential, and we use them only to assess our strengths, and identify areas for improvement.

Our Winter MAP assessment starts in February, and we want to encourage all of you to take the assessment if you did not take the Fall assessment. Read below for more information and why we value this assessment.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Coach anytime you have a question, need a change, or need some support. We are here for your success!

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