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Coach’s Corner

Happy last Monday of the 2018 school year! The next Monday Message we have will be in 2019!

Elementary and middle school learners, this is the final week of the quarter! We’ve officially entered into Week 7 of Quarter 2. Remember to reach out to your facilitators or academic coach if you have any questions. The quarter ends this Friday, December 14th.

High school learners, the semester is over for you unless you’ve been granted an extension. Our semester is just 14 weeks long! Hopefully, you’ve been able to finish all or most of your coursework up and can enjoy Winter Break! If you are still working on your classes and have questions be sure to contact your facilitator or coach for help.

Full-time learners have the opportunity to sign up and participate in our virtual yearbook. Click HERE for more details and to sign up.

SENIORS: If you’d like to walk for graduation, you may do so at our SCVi campus in Santa Clarita. If you haven’t already done so, talk with your academic coach and let them know if you’d like to participate in the graduation ceremony. It is completely up to you and your parents. Walking is not required to graduate.

We are here to support your success. Please reach out to your coach if you’re stuck, needing help, wanting to change something, or just want to connect. We love our jobs and love connecting with each of you.

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