Site icon iLEAD Online

Message from the Director

Dear Families,

Fall courses begin Tuesday, August 21st. If you are a returning learner already familiar with iLEAD Online courses, you will be added directly to your subject area courses.

If you are new to iLEAD Online, before school begins, you will receive important account activation and orientation information, with details on how to log in to your courses.

Click here to access your learner’s courses. 

When you receive your activation email, please activate your new account and bookmark the domain to access your courses. If you do not receive your activation email by August 21, please contact us at

Your learner’s first course with iLEAD Online is our iLEAD Orientation course. This is designed to help you learn navigation of PowerSchool Learning (the LMS website where your courses are located) and important online learning skills. Upon completion of your learner’s iLEAD Online Orientation Course, learners are ready to begin their subject courses.

Thank you! We are looking forward to a great year!

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