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Message from the Director

iLEAD Online Message From the Director

director word written on cubes on wooden background

Dear learners,

Do you need to catch up with missing work in your iLEAD Online courses? Go to your course and select GRADES tab to view your current course grade. If you see any work marked missing or no credit, you can turn that work in to raise your grade. If you have any questions about your grade, please contact your course facilitator.

Also, please don’t forget to check feedback from your facilitators. When you see a comment bubble next to your score in the grade book, that means your facilitator has made a comment. Click on the comment bubble to read. These are often super helpful for improving your work on future assignments!

iLEAD Online live tutoring. See your home portal for the course titled: iLEAD Online Live Chat Tutor to get help with technical issues and academic tutoring help.

Erin Jones
Director of Online Programs, iLEAD Schools

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