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iLEAD Online Virtual Picture Day Extended until May 15!


Hello, iLEAD Online Families,

Remember to participate in our very first Virtual Picture Day from now until May 15.

Lifetouch + Shutterfly have come together to make sure school pictures can happen virtually. Through the convenience of the Shutterfly app, you can capture a quick snap, add your favorite Lifetouch background and order a picture package all while at home! Learners who choose to participate in the virtual picture day can use their picture to be a part of our school’s very first yearbook. Lifetouch is offering this service for as low as $4.99!

How it works:

  1. Download the Shutterfly app.
  2. Open the app and scroll down until you see “Picture Day Snaps @Home” and select.
  3. Select a picture package. We suggest using the basic blue background.
  4. Smile! Snap a quick pic.
  5. Customize your image with your favorite background.
  6. Order your picture package.
  7. To participate in this year’s school yearbook, submit your pictures before May 1 via email to Please include name and grade.

Please see the helpful video below:

For questions and help, please contact Kelsey Evenson at

Thank you,

The iLEAD Online Team

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