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Gifts of Gratitude

In honor of our outstanding facilitators, we’d like to share these reflections from iLEAD Online learners. There is nothing better than positive feedback from our learners!

Mandy Larkins
If I were ever stuck, she would take time to work out equations and send them back, which helps me understand the concepts more.

Lauren Agee
With this facilitator, I was able to personalize my assignments and have flexibility.

Cindy Kobler
Absolutely amazing! I’ve never had trouble, because Mrs. Kobler always helps me out.

Samin Davari-Jaffe
Mrs. Davari made discussions fun. One assignment I enjoyed was writing from the perspective of an oxygen molecule.

Kristin Gunderson
I enjoyed seeing all of the feedback from Ms. Gunderson because she helped me get better.

Katie Soto
I like how Mrs. Soto made the course so hands-on and how involved she was.

Natalie Teichmann
I think Ms. Teichman was very good at challenging me, and she provided the resources to help and guide me.

Stephanie Nazario
My teacher was really helpful, and in one of my courses she helped me learn about how to write plays, movies, novels, and all sorts of things. The other class helped me improve my writing and proper formatting.

Rose Lewis
The simplicity of the course was good. I mean the stuff she gave us was challenging, but at the same time it was pretty easy because she gave us all the resources we needed.

Jennifer Tumbull
I liked everything — the content, projects — but I think that Ms. Turnbull is such an engaging instructor that she made all the difference.

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